March 24th - 31st
Palm Sunday – Palm Sunday is a Christian observance that commemorates Jesus Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, as described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It marks the beginning of Holy Week. On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey while crowds of people welcomed Him by waving palm branches and laying them on the ground before Him, shouting "Hosanna!" Palm branches are symbols of victory and triumph.
Palm Branches will be provided…You will have to bring the Praise!
Holy Monday – Holy Monday is the day that Jesus flipped tables and cleared the money changers out of the temple. We see an example of Jesus’ righteous anger at the misuse of God’s church. We Invite everyone to join us for a moment of ZOOM prayer for the leadership and people of your church, but also for the global Church. Pray that we would shine the light and hope of Jesus into our communities and our world.
Holy Social Tuesday – Jesus often taught in parables, using object lessons and real-life connections to help his followers understand His teachings. We invite everyone to find a way to be a witness for Jesus. Use Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, or person-person to share how good The Lord has been to you. Also, make sure to invite each person to church to share The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Good Friday – The celebration of the resurrection can’t happen without the acknowledgment and grief of Jesus’ death on Good Friday. We would like to invite you out to our Good Friday Worship Service at 7pm. Our Pastoral Staff will share the 7 awe-inspiring moments of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Holy Saturday – On Saturday, it seemed like all hope was lost. We encourage families to find time to sit in total darkness for a few minutes, either in complete silence or with a soft worship song playing. Then talk about what it feels like to sit in darkness and what it might have felt like for Jesus’ followers, thinking Jesus was dead.